January 17, 2025


Fred, WB4AEJ

My interest in amateur radio was inspired by my first cousin Scott, WB4FNN. He had his Extra class well before I became a ham. I became an amateur radio operator by passing my Novice Class test in 1975 while I was attending Midlands Technical College in Columbia, South Carolina. I was majoring in Electronics Engineering Technology. I upgraded to Technician Class and then to General Class during my senior year. I passed my Advanced Class just a few days after I graduated in 1976. I got my GROL (then a First or Second Class Commercial Radiotelephone operator’s license). I also passed the exam for my ship’s radar endorsement.

Later, I upgraded to Extra Class. That was in 1990. During my time in New Mexico, I tested for and passed my GMDSS Operator’s/Maintainer’s license and my Radiotelegraph Operator’s license.

My Elmer was Ron, WB4VZN. He started my ham career when he administered my novice and later my technician class tests. He was a great source of information and was very talented at repairing radio equipment.

40 meter CW was my primary mode while I was a novice. I used a Heathkit DX-60A and a Hammarlund HQ-110A. Then I operated SSB on various HF bands. I dabbled in packet radio for a while. But the bulk of my operating has been on VHF and UHF. I occasionally use Echolink.

My life memberships are with ARRL, QCWA, and AMSAT. I am also a VE for ARRL, LAUREL, W5YI, and a few others.

During my amateur career, I served one year as a board member and then later as the vice president of the Montgomery Amateur Radio Club in Montgomery County, Maryland for one year. While I was living in New Mexico, I served a year as treasurer of the Mesilla Valley Radio Club. I recently served on the board of directors of the Superstition Amateur Radio Club in Mesa, Arizona.

I currently only operate on two meters and [occasionally] 440 Mhz. Apartment living doesn’t foster much opportunity for operating on 80 through 10 meters.

Amateur radio has been an integral part of my life. I have made many friends through the hobby over my now forty-nine year radio career.

Last Updated on October 15, 2024!