February 28, 2025

Amateur Radio License Plates [DMV for Each State]!

An amateur radio license plate is a great way to show pride in our hobby and to reach out to other radio amateurs. All states except Maine [and D.C.] offer them (but you can get your call sign on a vanity plate in these jurisdictions instead). I got my first plate in 1976 when I was working my first full-time job at Duke Power Company in North Carolina. And I have insisted on having them in every state that I have lived in since that time. Scroll down to the link table and click on your state of residence for information specific to your state DMV's requirements to obtain an Amateur Radio License Plate. You may have to scroll down or look around a little bit to find information on amateur radio license plates. Not all of the DMVs provide a direct link to this information.
When going about getting one in your state of residence, it may be a little difficult especially if you have just moved there. You may not know any hams in your new location who can tell you. Or, you may find that you have to become a trend setter and be the first in your area to get one. The link in the table below will make this easier for you to do. Most state DMVs have the information on their Web sites. Maine does not currently offer Amateur Radio License Plates. Nor does D.C.. Delaware does offer them but has no info on their Web site at the present time. While Maine and D.C. do not offer them, they will issue you a vanity plate with your call sign on it. They do not have an Amateur Radio Operator class of tag among their choices. Maine's amateur community is in the process of trying to get their DMV to offer them. The issue is that their DMV requires two thousand active applications before they will issue amateur radio license plates. They have provided a link to information about that issue. Click on Maine in the table below to find out about what the Maine amateur community is doing about that. To find the information for your state, locate your state in the table below and click on it. A few of the states do not easily link to the amateur radio information. Louisiana requires you to click on a drop down list to select Amateur Radio Operator from a long list of plates. Click on the link for Louisiana below and select it. However, most of the links take you directly to the plate info. If you discover a broken link in the table below, please contact me and let me know what state link is broken! If you find the corrected link, please submit the correction.

Ham Radio by Plates!

   Your can get an Idaho souvenir (not a real license plate) plate if you just want to put one on the front of your vehicle.   We have this information thanks to Kirk, WK8B.  

Last Updated on September 14, 2023!